These summaries were prepared by McGuireWoods LLP lawyer Thomas E. Spahn. They are based on the letter opinions issued by the Virginia State Bar. Any editorial comments reflect Mr. Spahn's current personal views, and not the opinions of the Virginia State Bar, McGuireWoods or its clients. 
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A. Lawyers and Their Firms
1. Lawyers
   Lawyers - Miscellaneous(49)
   Non-Virginia Lawyers(41)
   Reporting Another Lawyer's Unethical Conduct(21)

2. Types of Lawyers
   Criminal Defense Lawyers(48)
   Disbarred and Suspended Lawyers(59)
   Family Law Lawyers(73)
   Government Attorneys(51)
   In-House Lawyers(57)
   Insurance Defense Lawyers(54)
   Non-Virginia Lawyers(41)
   Real Estate Lawyers(58)
   Trust and Estate Lawyers(76)

3. Lawyers Acting in Other Roles
   Lawyers Acting as "Scriveners"(66)
   Lawyers Acting as Corporate Officers or Directors(63)
   Lawyers Acting as Deed of Trust Trustees(64)
   Lawyers Acting as Executors(61)
   Lawyers Acting as Expert Witnesses(69)
   Lawyers Acting as Guardians Ad Litem"(67)
   Lawyers Acting as Mediators(68)
   Lawyers Acting as Notaries(65)
   Lawyers Acting as Registered Agents(70)
   Lawyers Acting as Trustees(60)
   Lawyers Acting in Other Roles (Miscellaneous)(32)
   Representing Joint Ventures(62)

4. Law Firms
   "Of Counsel" Relationship(11)
   Firm Names and Letterhead(55)
   Law Firm Staff(28)
   Law Firms - Miscellaneous(45)
   Lawyer-Owned Businesses(50)
   Lawyers Changing Jobs(5)
   Office Sharing with Non-Lawyers(53)
   Office Sharing with Other Lawyers(33)
   Withdrawing Lawyers (Including Non-Compete Issues)(12)

B. Representations
1. Representations of Entities
   Representing Associations(74)
   Representing Corporations(71)
   Representing Estates and Executors(75)
   Representing Joint Ventures(62)
   Representing Other Entities - Miscellaneous(15)
   Representing Partnerships(72)

2. Dealing With Unrepresented People
   Dealing with Unrepresented People(25)

3. Withdrawal from Representations
   Withdrawal from Representations(36)

4. Ownership of Files and Attorney Lien Issues
   Ownership of Files and Attorney Lien Issues(14)

5. Conflicts - Miscellaneous
   Conflicts - Miscellaneous(44)

C. Conflicts of Interest
1. Beginning of the Representation
   Interviews with Prospective Clients(22)

2. Simultaneous Representations
   Adversity to Current Clients(1)
   Multiple Representations on the Same Matter(3)

3. Successive Representations
   Adversity to Former Clients(2)

4. Lawyer's Personal Interests
   Lawyer's Personal Interests(16)

6. Witness-Advocate Rule
   Witness-Advocate Rule(4)

7. Miscellaneous Conflicts
   Family Conflicts(7)
   Former Government Lawyer Conflicts(10)
   Government Lawyer Conflicts(9)
   Government Official Conflicts(20)
   Judge Conflicts(19)
   Representation of or Adversity to Witnesses(24)

8. Consent and Prospective Waivers
   Consent and Prospective Waivers(18)

9. Conflicts of Interest - Miscellaneous
   Conflicts of Interest - Miscellaneous(43)

D. Confidentiality
1. Protecting and Disclosing Confidences and Secrets
   Protecting and Disclosing Confidences and Secrets(31)

2. Disclosing Confidences Under Court Order
   Disclosing Confidences Under Court Order(30)

3. Fraud on the Tribunal
   Fraud on the Tribunal(17)

4. Duty to Advise the Court
   Duty to Advise the Court(56)

5. Fruits and Instrumentalities of Crimes
   Fruits and Instrumentalities of Crimes(26)

6. Confidentiality - Miscellaneous
   Confidentiality - Miscellaneous(46)

E. Litigation
F. Marketing
1. Firm Names and Letterhead
   Firm Names and Letterhead(55)

2. Advertising

3. Solicitation

4. Direct Mail Marketing
   Direct Mail Marketing(84)

5. Business Cards
   Business Cards(85)

6. Descriptions of Certification and Specialization
   Descriptions of Certification and Specialization(86)

7. Lawyer Referral Services
   Lawyer Referral Services(47)

8. Payments to Solicit Recommendations
   Payments to Solicit Recommendations(42)

9. Marketing - Miscellaneous
   Marketing - Miscellaneous(13)

G. Financial
1. Bills and Fees
   Bills and Fees(8)

3. Advancing Fees and Costs
   Advancing Fees and Costs(29)

4. Fee Splitting
   Fee Splitting(38)

5. Lawyers Paid by Third Party
   Lawyers Paid by Third Party(6)

6. Trust Accounts
   Trust Accounts(40)

7. Limiting Liability to Clients
   Limiting Liability to Clients(34)

H. Miscellaneous

Copyright 2000, Thomas E. Spahn