These summaries were prepared by McGuireWoods LLP lawyer Thomas E. Spahn. They are based on the letter opinions issued by the Virginia State Bar. Any editorial comments reflect Mr. Spahn's current personal views, and not the opinions of the Virginia State Bar, McGuireWoods or its clients. 
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LEO NumTopicsSummary

28-Law Firm Staff

38-Fee Splitting

45-Law Firms - Miscellaneous

59-Disbarred and Suspended Lawyers

A lawyer may not: pay a lump sum to a disbarred lawyer to take over the practice; pay for the disbarred lawyer's yellow page advertisement; divide a contingent fee with the disbarred lawyer; employ the disbarred lawyer as a legal assistant on a set salary; and take over the disbarred lawyer's phone number and answer the telephone as "law offices." [To the extent it is inconsistent, this LEO was overruled by LEO 1218.]

Copyright 2000, Thomas E. Spahn