| Lawyers receiving a subpoena or other compulsory process calling for the disclosure of client confidential or privileged communications or documents: (1) must notify or make reasonable steps to notify current or former clients of the subpoena; (2) must consult with available clients about whether to challenge the demand or appeal (but may withdraw if such an appeal is beyond the retention scope or is a new matter the lawyer does not wish to handle); (3) must consult with available clients about fees if the original retainer letter does not require clients' payments in that situation -- although lawyers "may be required to challenge the initial demand" even without a fee agreement; (4) "should" resist disclosure on behalf of unavailable clients, but may comply with a court order overruling any objections (in that situation, lawyers may seek to withdraw or file a later quantum meruit action for fees); (5) need not appeal on behalf of unavailable clients a court order requiring disclosure; (6) must in all circumstances only disclose client confidential or privileged information or communications "to the extent reasonably necessary" (which may require lawyers to seek protective orders or other arrangements. |